To start a layaway plan follow these simple steps-
1. Add this listing to your cart and only this listing and in checkout notes tell us what mod you would like to have on your layaway order. Be specific so we get it right for you. Dont add the actual product you want into the cart. If you want a burton wrap add that to cart as well.
2. Checkout whats in your cart.
3. We will then send you a invoice via email you can start paying on after we receive your layaway order. Pay what you can when you can until its paid in full. The invoice will say full amount is due but justt ignore that message
4. Once you get it paid off simply email us and inform us its paid off and we will add the products from your notes to your layaway order and you're all set. YOU MUST EMAIL US. the invoice system does not inform us its paid in full.
*If you want our graphic designer to make you a custom piece of artwork for your order add the burton custom wrap to the layaway order. If not just send us a 1080p sized image once you get your order paid for and we will put that on your new mod.
You have 6 months to pay off your invoice. Once you start paying on the invoice we can not refund. You’re committed after the first payment!